Promote pakka

Want to help out a fellow independent musician? You know what they say about karma!

Simply click the "Copy To Clipboard" button and then paste the content into Steemit or Whaleshares (or elsewhere but it may need some modification).

Featured tracks are those that have credits allocated to them on Musicoin and SoundCloud. So if you want your tracks promoted by others make sure you have credits allocated to the tracks you want featured. Tracks will be featured in order of the number of credits allocated.

Make sure your images work on your profile and tracks. A lot of images are broken so people are less likely to promote you if that's the case.

Note: Tracks must be linked in the Track Catalogue to be featured.

Suggested Title:


Click to post on the relevant platforms:

Tweet out to tell this artist you have promoted them. Replace the URL in the tweet with the one you posted.